Refresh Carers' Group
Next: Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Runs until Tuesday, 2 December 2025 (See all dates)
- Time
- 14:00 - 15:30
- Venue
- Health And Wellbeing Community Hub, Budleigh Salterton, EX9 6HF
- Price
- free
A free drop in group for Carer's which meets on the first Tuesday of every month between 2-3.30pm
More Information (DevonAir Radio is not responsible for external websites)
Refresh Carers' drop in group at Seachange provides carers with the opportunity to relax and unwind with other people who understand what they are going through.
This is a good opportunity to chat and meet other people in a friendly and safe environment. There will also be a wellbeing therapist on hand to provide complementary taster treatments.#
Free refreshments are provided. There is no need to book - just turn up!
Health And Wellbeing Community Hub
East Budleigh Road
Budleigh Salterton
The event runs from 14:00 to 15:30 on the following dates.
Select a date to add this event to your calendar app.